Thursday, August 23, 2007

cross eye :)

bad dreamss..I need a dream catcher badly.Last night,I had the worst dream ever that I woke up crying.It was pretty cool in the start all of us in the car when i say all of us i really mean all of us .. and someone just got their driving license I cant remember who but we were all excited and ask for a ride and we were off.Being teenagers we were laughing,joking and fooling around and the night was pitch black even the head lights didnt seem to help...and and ...something veryy bad happen.WE HIT SOMEONE.someone that turned out to be our frienddd
we were still in shockedd when we were realized what happen I wouldnt wanna mention who was the victim because it hurts alot to say. I really hate these kinda dreams,I told kj this morning a different story because im afraid what he would think of me :( that horrid dream was soo scarryy it seemed so real.
and im worried because all my idiotic dreams comes true especially thee bad ones,even my mum thinks so. DAMN PANTANG in primary 6,the night before we all went to take our results I had another bad dream,I dreamt the smartest girl in my class didnt get those 5A's and I convincedmyself that was a silly dream because its crazyy if she didnt get straight A'S but as true as it gets,the next day ..teacher announced that she only got 4A n 1B.I only told one person at that time,Fida my friend whose now someone far. It'sfreaky.I need a dreamcatcher<33

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